Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A night in the hospital

I was looking forward to Monday. It was the day I was to have the little pump disconnected with the 5 FU drug. Up until then, I really didn't experience any major side effects.

Monday was a long day. I woke up feeling awful. My entire body was flush, sensitive to the touch with a rash and the lymph node on my neck had swelled up larger than ever. I was able to eat and move around, but I was very fatigued and had to lay around the entire day. By Monday evening, I was upstairs in bed with a fever and the chills. With a fever of 100.5 or greater, we were told to call in and go to the emergency room to be sure there was no infection or severe reactions to the drugs. My fever was 100.9. Fortunately, Karla's brother Greg was over to stay with the kids and we were able to go the U of C emergency room. It only took 24 minutes on a Monday night from the north side of Chicago!

After blood tests, urinalysis, chest scans IV fluids and antibiotics, the doctors decided to keep me over night. They were trying to figure out what caused the fever; infection or reaction. By 3:00am I was in my room.

I was comfortable in the hospital. My fever and rash went down, but now I began to experience some sores in my mouth and throat. Quite uncomfortable. By the afternoon, the doctors decided to discharge me. The ride home was an hour and a half.

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