Thursday, July 29, 2010

My favorite YouTube videos

Click on the arrows on the left or right of the video screen to see other videos.


  1. Cool videos! Can you play any of these songs?

  2. Saw a special of Tommy Emmanuel on a PBS fund drive (56 Indiana). You should check it out if it comes on again! Looks like he has nice web site too ( I pray in all the stuff you must endure that you have the strength and joy of your music!! Love, Keith

  3. I'm learning Angelina, Asturias and La Malaguena.
    I've already learned I'm Alive. I've become a huge Tommy Emmanuel fan lately and will be TRYING to learn another song of his called Lewis and Clark.

  4. Hey John, we are neighbours of Linda and Bob and am so thrilled to be included in your amazing blog! what a learning curve for us all and you write so beautifully. We are in awe of how you are handling it all with an exceptional focus and determination. If it ever happens to us, you will certainly be our inspiration. As they say in Australia...goodonyou mate!! Anyway, just wanted you to know that while you don't know us, there are many 'good wish' vibes coming from level 9 here so hang in there! go get those 'C's' zapped and gone for ever! and keep eating the lasagne - it will cure you! Deb & Derek Duncan

  5. Jon. Next time I'm in Chicago, I would love to hear you play. THEN, your mom and I will turn up our guitars amd remind you of how horrible we were when we played at birthday parties and, we're never invited back. Your mother remembers it differently but then she thinks she can sing on key. The blog is as great way to stay connected. Warmly,

  6. Jon~
    Healing thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
    Your gift of staying connected, writing and music choices are inspirational.
    I'm a friend of your mom's in art club; she's keeping us posted.

  7. Jon,

    We think of you often and marvel at your wonderful spirit and sense of humor. Jessica & Jacob's family prayer was so touching and insightful. You are so fortunate, in spite of all you're going through to have Karla and Jessica and Jakob and, of course your Mom and Bob. We will keep praying and sending good vibes. We hope to hear you play the guitar like you did at Bob's birthday at the old house. We are thoroughly enjoying the Tommy Emmanuel video! All the best, Ray & Sylvia Emerick
