Monday, September 27, 2010

Going into the 3rd Cycle

My week off at home (week 4) has been challenging. As usual, on Monday I started getting the low-grade fevers and by Wednesday the fever got up to 101. So, I went back into the hospital on Thursday for the usual tests to see if I had any infection. And, as usual, nothing was detected and my blood counts were good, so they sent me home on Friday. I continue to get the fevers at home, but they are low-grade and with a little rest, plenty of fluids and a blanket, they go away. The problem is, they keep coming back.

I still can't speak. It's been over a week now. Sometimes it is VERY frustrating not being able to communicate or get someone's attention. Like in the hospital. You know the nurse's call button? You push it and a moment later someone answers on the intercom and asks, "how can I help you?". They are unable to hear my response.

I really don't mind these minor little setbacks. My goal is to go through the entire treatment and get better. I realize that things will come up. I just want to stay on track and NOT fall behind schedule. 6 little fishies remain.

I'm back in the hospital again and have started cycle three. With pain medicine I can control the pain, but I still don't want to eat or drink very much. I've lost about 10 pounds so far. I know what I have to do to maintain the weight, but with the fevers and the sores, it has been a challenge.

The radiaion has not only affected inside my body, but my face and neck also. Most of last week while I was at home, my face and neck have been peeling as if I had a bad sunburn. As of today, my face has healed up nicely, but my neck still has some discoloration and a few scabs from sores. You can definitely see where on my body they have been giving the radiation.


  1. Jon, you may have temporarily lost your voice but your blog speaks touchingly to so many people. Still the teacher, we all learn from you and send our positive thoughts.

    Sue E

  2. Peeling or not, we all know you are still a handsome son of a gun. :) Hang in there, you are doing great!

  3. Jon - If I had your determination and will, Barak would have a serious contender. As your students would most appropriately say, you are the best. Gerry

  4. Hang in there Jon-Boy! Your words are heard loud and clear without your voice. Your fans are all rooting for you and want to be part of your journey toward healing. Your inner strength is awesome to behold. much love, Andrea
